안녕하세요. BSI Korea 입니다. BSI 영국 본사에서 진행되는 지속가능하고, 탄력적인 서비스(Sustainable, resilient business)를 위한 글로벌 무료 웹세미나를 6개의 시리즈로 구성하여 소개합니다. 이 시리즈는 영어로 진행되니, 참고하시기 바랍니다.
웹세미나는 추후 지속 업데이트 될 예정입니다.
Webinar 1: Thinking differently. Defining future success for a sustainable, resilient business – the circular economy
Martin Townsend –
Global Head of Sustainability & Circular Economy – BSI
Moving towards a more circular economy can deliver benefits such as reducing pressure on the environment, improving the security of the supply of raw materials, increasing competitiveness, driving innovation and creating new business models by moving from a product to a service economy. Is your business ready to share in the success of a different way of thinking?
Business leaders in construction can gain key insights from attending our webinar:
- An understanding of existing linear models and their impact
- What circular thinking is
- What does success look like as we reset our business models
- Future trends in this space
Webinar 2 : BRCGS and FSSC 22000 Transport, storage and distribution
In this webinar,
- David Bradley, BRCGS Storage and Distribution, APAC Region, discusses BRCGS Storage and Distribution Standard, covering all aspects of the logistics chain for food producing companies, third-party logistics suppliers and logistics experts.
Ana Cicolin, Global Scheme Manager – FSSC 22000, shares FSSC 22000 Scheme covering all aspects of logistics service provision related to ISO 22000 Food safety management, ISO/TS 22002-5:2019 Prerequisite programmes on food safety — Part 5: Transport and storage as well as the related FSSC Additional Requirements.
Finally, the webinar will look at how a ‘joined up’ approach through training, professional site support and certification can be provided by BSI throughout the Asia Pacific Region.
Topics covered:
- Why be certified to (i) BRCGS Storage and Distribution, (ii) FSSC 22000 (Category G – Transport and Storage)?
- Where does the standard fit into the food supply chain?
- How will certification to the standard provide a competitive advantage to make companies more attractive to food producers and others in the overall food marketplace?
- What does the standard consist of and what is required?
- What is the certification process?
- How can BSI help companies from initial interest to certification
Webinar 3 : The route to successful, sustainable and resilient construction
In this webinar,
A people-centered approach underpins a truly successful organization. Taking account of people – both their physical and mental health and embracing diversity boosts the culture of the organization, decreases risk, supports sustainable resilience and can avoid legal challenges. As the construction industry faces increasing talent shortages and the innovation that a diverse workforce brings, we explore how prioritizing your people can bring sustainable benefits to individuals, organizations and wider society.
We invite business leaders, Resilience, HR and Health and Safety Directors to join Kate Field as she explores:
- Mental health – the silent epidemic in construction, and what can be done
- Psychological health – stress and other psychosocial risk factors
- Diversity, and in particular, gender and age
- Wellbeing programmes – what good looks like
웹세미나 등록하기 – 14:00 – 16:00 (한국시간)
웹세미나 등록하기 – 18:00 – 19:00 (한국시간)
웹세미나 등록하기 – 22:00 – 23:00 (한국시간)
Please share this invitation with senior leaders, directors or supply chain partners whom you think should join our experts.
BSI 무료 웹세미나
6~7월 진행된 UN SDGs 관련 글로벌 웹세미나
BSI Korea UN SDGs 관련 웹세미나 후기
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마케팅팀 김민조 Tel. 02-6271-4014 Mail: minjo.kim@bsigroup.com |
BSI 블로그에 개재된 모든 글의 무단 복사 및 재배포를 금지합니다.
반드시 출처를 남겨주세요.
- 1901년에 설립되어 현재 120년의 역사를 보유한, 세계 최초의 국가표준 제정기구
- ISO(국제표준화기구)의 창립 멤버로서, ISO 이사회 및 CEN(유럽표준화위원회) 이사회의 영구 이사 자격 보유
- ISO 9001(품질경영시스템), ISO 14001(환경경영시스템), ISO 27001(정보보호경영시스템) 등 주요 국제표준의 근간 문서를 다수 발행
- 영국의 왕실 인정 기구(Royal Charter)이자, 영국 국가표준 제정기구(NSB)
- 표준에 대한 가장 경험이 풍부한 기관으로서, 전세계 193개국 86,000여 고객과 협업
- 미국 및 영국 시장점유율 1위에 해당하는 국제표준 인증기관으로서, 조직의 리스크관리, 성과개선, 비용절감, 지속가능성 보장을 지원하기 위한 표준 개발, 인증, 심사, 교육 전문 기관
- 전세계 70여 BSI 사무소 보유로 글로벌 사업장 동시 대응 가능 및 브렉시트에 따른 시장 변화를 즉각 지원 가능한 거의 유일한 기관