- 일시: 2021년 3월 24일 수요일, 11:00 ~ 12:30am (한국시간)
- 주제: FSSC 22000 V5.1 개정 주요 변경사항 안내
(FSSC 22000 V5.1: Food Safety Systems Certification- Key Changes) - 연결 프로그램: GoTowebinar
- 발표자: Leanne Singleton
- 참가방법: 하단 ‘등록하러 가기’ 버튼을 클릭해 주세요 (본 행사는 영어로 진행됩니다).
Webinar: How do leaders build resilient organizations?
Discover the differences and additional requirements in FSSC 22000 v5.1 which was published in 03 November 2020. This webinar will help you to gain knowledge the key changes in FSSC 22000 v5.1 and be ready for an audit to v5.1 which will start on 1 April 2021.
Webinar Details
Date: 24 March 2021, Wednesday
Time: 1000am to 1130am SGT
This webinar will enables you to understand:
• Scheme overview of FSSC 22000 V5.1
• Summary of key changes from FSSCv5 to FSSCv5.1
• New requirements in the certification process
Speaker introduction
Leanne Singleton, Food Safety Specialist
Leanne is a Food Safety Specialist with over 20 years of experience in identifying risk, compliance and operational solutions across the food supply chain from primary production, commodity trading, food manufacturing, storage, distribution through to high care catering and foodservice operations. Leanne has expertise in certification programs, training content development, and has written BSI ‘Thought Leadership’ whitepapers for Food Fraud, Allergens and Antibiotics in the Food Supply Chain.
Leanne has an active role in mentoring new auditors as a verifying auditor to FSSC 22000 and contributes technical content and delivery of BSI global training courses for FSSC 22000, Food Safety Culture, Supply Chain Transparency, Prevention of Food Fraud, Food Defence, Writing HACCP Plans and Root Cause Analysis.
웹세미나 상세보기
지난 2월 17일, BSI Korea에서 ‘FSSC 22000 V5.1 개정 주요 변경사항 안내’ 라는 내용으로 웹세미나를 진행하였습니다. 더 자세한 내용을 보시려면 아래 글을 참고하시기 바랍니다.
BSI 블로그에 개재된 모든 글의 무단 복사 및 재배포를 금지합니다.
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