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  • 내장된 평가 시스템을 통한 측정 가능한 학습 성과 
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1개월 (교육일정 협의 후 조율가능)


※그룹교육 신청 시 교육비용 할인 가능


교육커리큘럼  전 과정 바로가기> 

구분 과정명 과정 정보 시간 수강신청
의료기기 ISO 13485:2016 요구사항
(ISO 13485:2016 Requirements E-Learning)
  • Gain an appreciation for the origins of ISO13485
  • Understand the use of ISO13485 as the basis for a Quality Management System for Medical Device organisations
  •  Awareness of the key differences to the ISO9001:2015 standard
4 신청
의료기기 CE 마킹을 위한 체외진단 의료기기 규정(IVDR) 이해
(Implementation of the In Vitro Diagnostic Device Regulation
(IVDR) for CE Marking Training Course)
  • Develop a strategy for regulatory compliance as stipulated by IVDR
  • Recognise the roles and responsibilities of Economic Operators (legal manufacturer, Authorised representative, Importer and Distributor) and other Key Players (Notified Body, Competent Authority, significant subcontractors) under the IVDR
12 신청
의료기기 ISO 14971:2019 의료 기기 요구 사항에 대한 위험 관리
(ISO 14971:2019 Risk Management for Medical Devices Requirements
on-demand training course)
  • Define risk management terminology
  • Explain how risk management relates to the product lifecycle
  • Outline the stages of the risk management process
4 신청
의료기기 의료 기기 규정(MDR) 온디맨드 교육 과정의 요구 사항
(Requirements of the Medical Device Regulation (MDR) Training Course)
  • Communicate the key requirements and concepts within the Regulation
  • Reference the necessary aspects to evaluate if and how your company is affected by MDR and to what extent
  • Define the vocabulary used within the MDR
5 신청   
의료기기 의료기기 규정(EU MDR 2017/745) 교육 과정 내경제 운영자의 의무
(The Obligations for Economic Operators within the Medical
Device Regulations (EU MDR 2017/745) training course)
  • Understand the obligations of the MDR, and what that actually means for the economic operators
  • Appreciate what an economic operator means as per the MDR
45′ 신청  
의료기기 의료 기기 규정(EU MDR 2017/745) 교육 과정의 위험 분류 요구 사항
(Requirements for Risk Classification in the Medical Device Regulation (EU MDR 2017/745) training course)
  • Establish the requirements of Risk Classification as per the MDR Annex VIII
  • Understand the medical device risk classification rules
1 신청   
의료기기 의료기기 규정(MDR) – Annex VII 교육 과정의 숨겨진 의미
(The hidden stings of the Medical Device Regulation (MDR) –
Annex VII training course)
  • Establish the requirements detailed in Annex VII of the MDR
  • Appreciate the Notified Body prospective and approach when assessing against the MDR
1 신청  
안전 ISO 45001 안전보건경영시스템 요구사항 이해 과정
(ISO 45001:2018 Requirements Elearning)
  • What is the Industrial Health and Safety Management System (OH&SMS)
  • Why and why OH&SMS is important to your organization
  • ISO 45001 Background and Planned Performance
6 신청
안전 ISO 45001:2018 리더십, 문화 및 근로자 참여
(ISO 45001:2018 Leadership, Culture and Worker Participation)
  • Describe the roles and responsibilities of top management for the successful deployment and maintenance of OH&SMS.
  • It is possible to describe how leadership requirements apply to all parts of the PDCA cycle and to other provisions of the standard.
6 신청
환경 ISO 14064-1:2018 요구사항
(ISO 14064-1:2018 Requirements Training Course)
  • Gain an understanding of the key principles of what GHG emissions are
  • Better define the GHG emission boundaries for your organization to support in mitigating them
  • Enhance the integrity of your GHG quantification within your organizations environmental reporting
3 신청
환경 ISO 14001:2015 요구사항 교육과정
(ISO 14001:2015 Requirements Training Course)
  • What an Environmental Management System (EMS) is
  • Why an EMS is important to an organization and what the benefits of an EMS are
  • The background of ISO 14001:2015
4 신청
에너지 Road to Net Zero – 용어와 원칙 (PAS 2060:2014) 과정
(Road to Net Zero – Terminology and Principles (PAS 2060:2014)
E-Learning Course)
  • Define the key terms associated with the Road to Net Zero
  • Identify the relevant legal, regulatory, and supply chain drivers to achieve Net Zero and their relevance to organizations
  •  Identify the steps an organization will take to achieve Net Zero
8 신청
에너지 ISO 50001:2018 요구사항
(ISO 50001:2018 Requirements)
  • Understand and explain the importance and benefits of having an effective energy management system in place
  • Develop and implement an EnMS that allows your organization to continually improve how it uses energy
정보보안 ISO/IEC 27001 정보보안 관리 인식 교육과정
(Information Security Management Awareness Training Course)
  • Understand why information security is important
  • Describe what we mean by information security
  • Identify the benefits of good information security in your organization
30′ 신청  
정보보안 ISO/SAE 21434:2021 요구사항 교육 과정
(ISO/SAE 21434:2021 Requirements Training Course)
  •  Gain an understanding of ISO/SAE 21434
  • Identify the work products required to be conformant with ISO/SAE 21434
  • Prepare your organization to implement ISO/SAE 21434
3~4 신청  
정보보안 ISO/IEC 27001:2022 감사자 전환
(ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Auditor Transition)
  • Define the changes to ISO/IEC 27001:2022
  • Determine how to use ISO/IEC 27002 in the management of ISO/IEC 27001 control sets
  • Demonstrate how to audit changes to ISO/IEC 27001:2022
2 30′ 신청   
정보보안 ISO/IEC 27001:2022 요구사항 교육 과정
(ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Requirements Training Course)
  •  Identify the key requirements and benefits of ISO/IEC 27001:2022
  • Manage information security in your organisation
  • Take steps to ensure that information security is at the heart of your business
3~4 신청 
정보보안 ISO / IEC 27000 CSA STAR 인증 교육 과정에 대한 클라우드 보안 감사
(Auditing Cloud Security for CSA STAR Certification Training Course)
  • Define the specific control areas of the CCM and differentiate between them
  • Apply the maturity model when auditing a provider’s security controls
  • Calculate a maturity score for each CCM control area
8 신청
정보보안 ISO / IEC 27000 CSA STAR: 클라우드 보안 및 개인 정보
거버넌스 및 규정 준수 프로그램 교육 과정
(CSA STAR: The Cloud security and Privacy Governance and
Compliance Program Training Course)
  • Apply the maturity model when auditing a provider’s security controls
  • Calculate a maturity score for each CCM control area
  • Derive a provider’s maturity level from the maturity scores
8 신청
비지니스 ISO 22301:2019요구사항
(ISO 22301:2019 Requirements)
  • Understand the importance and benefits of having an effective BCMS in place
  • Understand the content of ISO 22301:2019 and how it will improve your business
  • Identify and manage risks to business continuity
4 신청   
BIM 빌딩 정보 모델링 기초 과정
(Building Information Modelling (BIM) Fundamentals Course)
  • The basic principles of BIM
  • Explain the terms “BIM according to ISO 19650” and “”UK BIM Implementation””
  • Explain the value of information in all phases of a project and asset lifecycle
8 신청  
식품 FSSC 22000 알레르긴 인식
(Allergen Awareness)
  • Explain why allergens are a major concern
  • Define the cause of allergic reactions
  • Describe symptoms of allergic reactions and food intolerances
4 신청
식품 HACCP의 기초
(HACCP Foundation)
  • HACCP – what it is and why it was developed
  • Benefits of implementing a HACCP system
  • Different types of hazards in food production
4 신청
식품 FSSC 22000 병충해 인식
(Pest Awareness Course)
  • Explain the risks associated with pests
  • Identify signs of pest activity
  • Take the correct actions to prevent pest activity
식품 HACCP 식품안전 기초과정
(Food Safety Foundation eLearning Course)
  • Foodborne illnesses and food safety hazards
  • The responsibilities of food handlers
  • Temperature control
  • Food facility design and construction
4 신청
식품 FSSC 22000 식품 안전 원인 분석
(Food Safety Root Cause Analysis)
  • Describe the key concepts of root cause analysis
  • Explain the intent and benefits of root cause analysis
  • Understand the root cause analysis process
4 신청 
식품 ISO 45001 건강 및 안전 위험 통제
(Health and Safety Hazards and Controls)
  • Describe what emergency planning involves in the context of an OH&SMS.
  • List the events that typically occur during an emergency.
  • Ask key questions that check if an effective emergency plan is in place.
4 신청
건강안전 팬데믹 리스크 관리를 위한 기본 사항
(Basics for Pandemic Risk Management)
  • Describe what emergency planning involves in the context of an OH&SMS.
  • List the events that typically occur during an emergency.
  • Ask key questions that check if an effective emergency plan is in place.
4 신청 
건강안전 ISO 39001 작업장 운송 위험에 대한 기본 지식
(Underpinning knowledge for workplace transport risks ISO 39001)
  •  Know about the various types of [specific hazard] be found in workplaces and sectors of particular prevalence
  • Understand why [specific hazard] is a workplace hazard
  • Be familiar with the types of harm that [specific hazard] can cause
4 신청 
건강안전 ISO 45005 직업 스트레스 및 기타 심리 사회적 위험
(Occupational Stress and other psychosocial risks)
  • Describe what emergency planning involves in the context of an OH&SMS.
  • List the events that typically occur during an emergency.
  • Ask key questions that check if an effective emergency plan is in place.
4 신청  
건강안전 비상 사태, 중단 및 사고에 대한 준비 및 학습
(Preparing for and learning from emergencies,
disruption and incidents)
  • Describe what emergency planning involves in the context of an OH&SMS.
  • List the events that typically occur during an emergency.
  • Ask key questions that check if an effective emergency plan is in place.
4 신청  
건강안전 리스크 평가 소개
(Introduction to Risk Assessment)
  • Define the steps involved in conducting a risk assessment.
  • Explain the complexities inherent in assessing risks associated with human error.
  • Describe a selection of tools and methodologies used in risk assessment.
4 신청  
품질 ISO 9001:2015 요구사항
(ISO 9001:2015 Requirements)
  •  Importance and benefits of an ISO 9001:2015 QMS
  • Key requirements, terms and definitions of ISO 9001:2015
  • Structure of ISO 9001:2015, which incorporates the Annex SL common framework for management system standards
4 신청   
공통 구조화된 협업의 중요성 – 협업 온디맨드 교육 과정이 필요한 21세기 과제
(The Importance of Structured Collaboration – 21st Century Challenges Need Collaboration On-Demand Training Course)
  • Gain a deeper appreciation and awareness of collaboration;
  • Discover that ‘how you do it is as important as why you do it;
  • Understand how collaboration offers a different, more productive way of working with like-minded organisations;
45′ 신청  
공통 감사의 기초(ISO 19011:2018) 온디맨드 교육 과정
(The Fundamentals of Auditing (ISO 19011:2018) On-Demand Training Course)
  • Explain the guidelines of auditing, according to ISO 19011:2018
  • Describe the application of these guidelines to auditing and therefore understand further how to:
  • Initiate the audit
4 신청  
공통 관리 시스템 표준에 대한 조화로운 접근 방식
(The Harmonized Approach to Management System Standards)
  • Define and describe the main components of a management system
  • Briefly describe and give an example of a management system standard
1 신청

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사이트는 무엇인가요? 온디맨드 과정은 모두 litmos사이트를 통해서 수강 하실 수 있습니다. 
수강신청 완료 되었는지 어떻게 알 수 있나요?  수강 승인 후 링크가 포함된 내용의 메일이 전송 됩니다, 
수강 취소는 어떻게 하나요?  수강신청 후 승인 전까지는 취소 수수료가 부과 되지 않으나 입과 후에는 100%의 수수료가 부과 됩니다 
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최신 표준 소식교육 할인 정보를 무료로 받아보세요!

BSI 블로그에 개재된 모든 글의 무단 복사 및 재배포를 금지합니다.
반드시 출처를 남겨주세요.

  • 1901년에 설립되어 현재 120년의 역사를 보유한, 세계 최초의 국가표준 제정기구
  • ISO(국제표준화기구)의 창립 멤버로서, ISO 이사회 및 CEN(유럽표준화위원회) 이사회의 영구 이사 자격 보유
  • ISO 9001(품질경영시스템), ISO 14001(환경경영시스템), ISO 27001(정보보호경영시스템) 등 주요 국제표준의 근간 문서를 다수 발행
  • 영국의 왕실 인정 기구(Royal Charter)이자, 영국 국가표준 제정기구(NSB)
  • 표준에 대한 가장 경험이 풍부한 기관으로서, 전세계 193개국 86,000여 고객과 협업
  • 미국 및 영국 시장점유율 1위에 해당하는 국제표준 인증기관으로서, 조직의 리스크관리, 성과개선, 비용절감, 지속가능성 보장을 지원하기 위한 표준 개발, 인증, 심사, 교육 전문 기관
  • 전세계 70여 BSI 사무소 보유로 글로벌 사업장 동시 대응 가능 및 브렉시트에 따른 시장 변화를 즉각 지원 가능한 거의 유일한 기관