안녕하세요. BSI Korea 입니다. BSI 에서 ‘사람과 환경을 우선으로 탄력적이며 지속가능한 건설이란 ‘주제로 진행되는 라이브 웹세미나를 소개합니다. 이 시리즈는 영어로 진행되니, 참고하시기 바랍니다.
Webinar Series: Prioritizing people : The route to successful, sustainable and resilient construction
In this webinar,
A people-centred approach underpins a truly successful organization. Taking account of people – both their physical and mental health and embracing diversity boosts the culture of the organization, decreases risk, supports sustainable resilience and can avoid legal challenges. As the construction industry faces increasing talent shortages and the innovation that a diverse workforce brings, we explore how prioritizing your people can bring sustainable benefits to individuals, organizations and wider society.
We invite business leaders, Resilience, HR and Health and Safety Directors to join Kate Field as she explores:
- Mental health – the silent epidemic in construction, and what can be done
- Psychological health – stress and other psychosocial risk factors
- Diversity, and in particular, gender and age
- Wellbeing programmes – what good looks like
Kate Field – Global Head of Health, Safety and Wellbeing at BSI
Kate has two decades of experience in occupational health and safety covering most industry sectors. Kate started her career with the HSE (Health and Safety Executive) in the UK, first as a regulatory Inspector, and then into policy where she led initiatives to tackle workplace health risks. Kate has several years of consultancy experience in securing, developing, and delivering health and safety programmes for a number of international clients.
As an experienced trainer and qualified lecturer Kate has developed training products, written technical guidance and articles and regularly speaks at conferences.
As BSI’s Global Head of Health, Safety and Wellbeing, Kate acts as expert and ambassador on health and safety for BSI’s global assurance business, supporting the delivery of excellence and expertise across the 193 countries in which BSI operates.
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마케팅팀 김민조 Tel. 02-6271-4014 Mail: minjo.kim@bsigroup.com |
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