오는 4월 15일, BSI에서 ‘새로운 ISO 45003:2021 – 산업 보건 및 안전 관리 가이드라인’ 을 주제로 글로벌 웹세미나를 진행합니다. 해당 가이드라인은 직업 건강 및 안전 관리 시스템의 일부로서 심리적 사회적 위험의 관리에 대한 실질적인 지침을 제공합니다. 웨비나는 하루동안 3개의 소주제로 나뉘며 (Introduction to ISO 45003:2021, The psychological impact of COVID, Implementing ISO 45003) 각각 다른 시간에 진행됩니다. 또한 웨비나는 모두 영어로 진행될 예정입니다. 관심있는 분들의 많은 신청 부탁드립니다.
- 주제: 새로운 ISO 45003:2021 – 산업 보건 및 안전 관리. 직장에서의 심리적 건강과 안전: 심리적, 사회적 위험 관리. 가이드라인
(ISO 45003:2021 Occupational health and safety management. Psychological health and safety at work: managing psychosocial risks. Guidelines
소주제: Introduction to ISO 45003:2021, The psychological impact of COVID, Implementing ISO 45003) - 일시 (한국시간): 2021년 4월 15일 (오후 3-4pm 또는 오후 7-8pm), 2021년 4월 16일 (오전 1-2am)
- 발표자: Sally Swingewood 외 7명
세미나는 미리 등록하셔야 하며, 등록하실 경우 (또는 시차로 인해 참여하시지 못하시더라도) 녹화된 비디오 및 프레젠테이션 자료를 추후 받으실 수 있습니다. 신청은 아래 버튼을 눌러 하실 수 있습니다.
웨비나 신청하기 (3pm-4pm) 웨비나 신청하기 (7pm-8pm) 웨비나 신청하기 (1am-2am)
Webinar: ISO 45003:2021 Occupational health and safety management. Psychological health and safety at work: managing psychosocial risks. Guidelines
The new international standard provides practical guidance on managing psychosocial risks and promoting well-being in the workplace. Every organization has occupational health and safety responsibilities. Moreover, we’re all aware that the need to manage psychosocial risks and support psychological health in the workplace is now greater than ever in the wake of COVID-19.
BSI is running three FREE one-hour “follow the sun” webinars on 15 April to help your organization manage the issues.
ISO 45003:2021 Occupational health and safety management. Psychological health and safety at work: managing psychosocial risks. Guidelines provides practical guidance on the management of psychosocial risk as part of an occupational health and safety management system.
Date: 15 April 2021
Time: Three one-hour sessions at 07:00 UK time, 11:00 UK time and 17:00 UK time
To learn about this important standard, and how its use will help your organization and its employees, you should book your FREE place at the webinars now.
07:00 – 08:00 UK time: Introduction to ISO 45003:2021
This session will explore the new standard and the issues, challenges and opportunities associated with psychological health and well-being at work.
Moderated by Sally Swingewood – Lead Standards Development Manager for business improvement and occupational health and safety management, British Standards Institution (BSI) and manager of the committee responsible for ISO 45003 alongside Carlo Caponecchia – Senior Lecturer, University of New South Wales, Australia and Takeshi Furuno, Japanese Standards Association
07:00 – 07:05 Videos from ISO Secretary General, Sergio Mujica, BSI’s CEO Susan Taylor Martin and BSI’s Standards Director, Scott Steedman
07:05 – 07:15 Introduction to the panel and background on the ISO committee
07:15 – 07:25 Exploring why the standard is needed, with regional insights from Japan and Australia
07:25 – 07:40 Expert discussion answering what the standard covers; how SMEs and organizations without occupational health experts can use it; how the pandemic has impacted psychological health; what organizations can do now and in the future; and finally what the new standard’s relationship with ISO 45001 is
07:40 – 08:00 Q&A session
11:00 – 12:00 UK time: The psychological impact of COVID
Our panel of experts discuss the impact COVID-19 has had on psychological health and well-being at work.
Moderated by Kate Field, Global Head, Health, Safety and Wellbeing, British Standards Institution (BSI) and with a panel including: Sally Swingewood – Lead Standards Development Manager for business improvement and occupational health and safety management, British Standards Institution (BSI) and manager of the ISO technical committee; Peter Kelly – Senior Psychologist, Health and Safety Executive (HSE); and Dr Iván Williams Jiménez – Policy Development Manager, Institution of Occupational Health and Safety (IOSH)
11:00 – 11:10 Introductions and videos from ISO Secretary General, Sergio Mujica, BSI’s CEO Susan Taylor Martin and BSI’s Standards Director, Scott Steedman
11:10 – 11:20 What is psychological health and what are the signs and symptoms?
11:20 – 11:25 The psychosocial risks that arise through work
11:25 – 11:40 Panel discussion on: why it’s important to manage psychological health at work; the short, medium and long-term impact of COVID-19; what organizations can do; HSE stress management standards and ISO 45003; who needs to take leadership roles; ISO PAS 45005, the freely available standard on how to work safely during the pandemic
11:40 – 12:00 Q&A session
17:00 – 18:00 UK time: Implementing ISO 45003
Introducing ISO 45003 in context and exploring how it can help and support organizations.
Moderated by Kate Field – Global Head, Health, Safety and Wellbeing, British Standards Institution (BSI) alongside Sapna Mahajan – Director, Prevention and Promotion Initiatives, Mental Health Commission of Canada, and Daniela Campos Schwarze, MCP, MBA – Head of Psychosocial Risk, Chilean Safety Association and Committee Member, ISO 45003 Technical Committee for Occupational Health and Safety Management
17:00 – 17:10 Introduction to ISO 45003 and the panel
17:10 – 17:15 Videos from ISO Secretary General, Sergio Mujica, BSI’s CEO Susan Taylor Martin and BSI’s Standards Director, Scott Steedman
17:15 – 17:35 Canada’s relationship with ISO 45003 and the story behind CSA Z1003.1 – Psychological health and safety in the paramedic service organization
17:35 – 18:00 Q&A session
Speaker introduction
Sally Swingewood – Lead Standards Development Manager for business improvement and occupational health and safety management, British Standards Institution (BSI) and manager of the committee responsible for ISO 45003 |
Sally is BSI’s Lead Standards Development Manager for business improvement and occupational health and safety management. She is responsible for working with both national and international experts to develop documents that help organizations of all types to improve the way they operate and to better protect the people who work for them.
Sally engages with a broad range of stakeholders to ensure the widest possible views are taken into account when the UK inputs to international standards and frequently holds public meetings to encourage users of the standards to raise issues and propose improvements. Sally is the manager of the ISO technical committee responsible for the world’s first international standard on occupational health and safety management, ISO 45001, and is actively involved in the development of ISO 45003 (guidance on psychological health and safety at work) which will also be the first globally agreed standard of its type. |
Carlo Caponecchia – Senior Lecturer, University of New South Wales, Australia |
Academic (teaching and research) in Human Factors and Safety; Consultancy activities, including training, investigations, research-based consultancy and provision of expert opinion reports, workshop facilitation and speaking engagements Areas of expertise: human factors and safety; psychosocial hazards at work; workplace bullying and harassment; occupational health and safety; risk management; risk perception and communication Carlo is the current President of the International Association on Workplace Bullying and Harassment (IAWBH) and a member of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia (HFESA). He is a member of the Safework NSW Musculoskeletal Disorder Consultative Committee, and a member of the SF-001 panel at Standards Australia, which is responsible for occupational health and safety management systems standards (including the adoption of ISO45001 in Australia). |
Takeshi Furuno – Senior Chief specialist, Japanese Standards Association |
Experience in standardization 2014-Present Currently as a senior chief specialist at Japanese Standards Association assumes role of secretary of the Japanese Mirror Committee for ISO/TC 283 after the same role for ISO/PC 283 Experience in business 1982-2013 Before joining JSA, extensive experience in semiconductor memory business at Hitachi Ltd. Japan, involved in the development of conformance test specification to ensure interoperability of memory cards for digital cameras. Education 1982 Graduated from the University of Tokyo with master’s degree in Physics. |
Peter Kelly – Senior Psychologist, Health & Safety Executive (HSE) |
Peter Kelly works for the Health and Safety Executive. He is employed as a Senior Psychologist, and is a technical expert on mental health and wellbeing and prevention of work related stress. Peter has been part of the small team of psychologists involved from the beginning in developing the scientific knowledge base for the management standards approach to tackling work related stress in Great Britain, and is a co–author on a number of papers published on the management standards, health and wellbeing. He has sat as a co-opted expert on National Institute of Clinical Excellence Review of Mental Health Promotion within the Workplace and on the Department for Health’s United Kingdom SHIFT Expert review panel on workplace mental health guidance. Peter is Practitioner Chair of European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology. He has been involved in working across the EU on a number of initiatives in relation to psychosocial risk and prevention. |
Kate Field – Global Head Health, Safety & Wellbeing, British Standards Institution (BSI) |
As BSI’s global occupational health, safety and wellbeing expert, with over 20 years’ experience across all sectors, Kate uses her expertise to drive BSI’s global strategy for creating a safer and healthier workplace. An ambassador for cultural change, that puts well-being, equality, safety and health at the forefront, Kate inspires colleagues and stakeholders globally to make a difference. Kate started her career over 20 years ago with the Health and Safety Executive (UK) as a regulatory Inspector before moving into policy, leading initiatives to tackle health risks. Kate then moved into the private sector working successfully as a consultant and has experience across most industry sectors. An experienced trainer and qualified lecturer Kate has developed training products, written techncial guidance and articles and regularly speaks at conferences. |
Iván Williams Jiménez – Policy development manager, Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) |
Dr Iván Williams Jiménez is a Policy development manager at the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health where he leads on global regulatory-related advocacy on occupational safety and health, workplace wellbeing, sustainable corporate governance, social sustainability and decent work in order to maximise IOSH’s impact and influence on global policy and practice. He has a strong background on international labour standards and corporate social responsibility. He recently completed his international Labour Law PhD. that reviewed the effectiveness and shortcomings of regulatory approaches to the management of psychosocial risks. On the topic of mental health and wellbeing and psychosocial risk management Ivan is a prolific though leader regularly expressing his views within the bounds of the international and European public policy arena. He often shares his expertise with international organizations such as the WHO or the ILO and other civil society stakeholders. He is also an active author and advocate on a wide range of topics affecting working conditions, that has participated in several high-level conferences, seminars and produced cutting-edge thinking for media outlets, social media, academic journals, technical trade magazines and so on. |
Sapna Mahajan – Director, Prevention and Promotion Initiatives, Mental Health Commission of Canada |
Sapna Mahajan is the Director of Prevention and Promotion Initiatives at the Mental Health Commission of Canada. She joined the Commission in 2009, leading and directly accountable for the Commission’s priorities in the areas of workplace mental health, peer support, post-secondary student mental health, e-mental health and cannabis. She helped lead the development of the first in the world National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace, and since then has been working with organizations globally to drive widespread adoption and implementation. She is currently part of the Working Group developing ISO 45003, Occupational health and safety management — Psychological health and safety at work: managing psychosocial risks — Guideline, member of the World Health Organization’s Guideline Development Group (GDG) for Mental Health and Work Guidelines, and co-chairs the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Workplace Wellness and Resilience Focus Area Work Group. Prior to joining the Commission, Sapna worked at the Queen’s Center for Health Services and Policy Research. She has also worked with the William J Clinton Foundation and the Centre for International Health and Development. Sapna holds a Masters in International Public Health – Health Policy and Management from Boston University. She is a Canadian Healthcare Executive and a Project Management Professional. In 2015, she was chosen to participate in the Governor-General Canadian Leadership Conference. She is an active community member volunteering with several charities and not for profit organizations, including as a Board member of the Pinecrest-Queensway Community Health Centre and Mindful Employer. |
Daniela Campos Schwarze, MCP, MBA – Head of Psychosocial Risk, Chilean Safety Association and Committee Member, ISO 45003 Technical Committee for Occupational Health and Safety Management |
Daniela Campos is a psychologist, with a master’s degree in clinical psychology and an MBA. Head of Psychosocial Risk in the Chilean Safety Association, she has participated in the creation of the surveillance protocol of the Ministry of Health of Chile and the instrument for the preventive management of psychosocial risk in the workplace of the Institute of Public Health. Postgraduate professor in occupational health and psychosocial risk in Chile and Spain. She has conducted research mainly related to violence at work; workplace harassment, sexual harassment qualification processes, and user violence at work. Currently received the National Safety Council Award, category of human behavior sciences applied to prevention, and Clotario Blest Distinction in 2019 for work at the service of workers in her capacity as head of psychosocial risks. |

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