- 주제: Medical Device Regulation (MDR) Lessons Learnt (MDR인증 준비 노하우)
- 일시 (한국시간): 5월 5일(5pm~6pm) 또는 5월 6일(12am~1am) *동일한 내용으로 두 번 진행됩니다.
- 발표자: Kevin Madden, Team Training Lead and Technical Team Manager in the Orthopedic and Dental technical team
세미나는 미리 등록하셔야 하며, 등록하실 경우 (또는 시차로 인해 참여하시지 못하시더라도) 녹화된 비디오 및 프레젠테이션 자료를 추후 받으실 수 있습니다. 신청은 아래 버튼을 눌러 하실 수 있습니다.
5월 5일: 웨비나 신청하기 (5pm-6pm) 5월 6일: 웨비나 신청하기 (12am-1am)
Webinar: Medical Device Regulation (MDR) Lessons Learnt
What’s this webinar about?
The Medical Device Regulation (MDR) Date of Application (DoA) is approaching. The timelines for ensuring your product maintains EU market access under the new, more stringent MDR are challenging. BSI Notified Body wants to share some of our experience working on Technical Documentation submitted under the MDR.
Who should attend the webinar?
This webinar will offer notified body insights for all people involved in working towards an MDR application, whether you are a novice or have significant experience of working with a notified body. We will not focus on any specific medical device type, more on the gaps we see in current applications.
What will participants gain?
Join BSI’s Kevin Madden, Team Training Lead and Technical Team Manager in the Orthopedic and Dental technical team, to hear the critical lessons we have learnt and how you can use these to improve your submissions to BSI. We will share notified body experience and common pitfalls and learnings. Kevin will be joined for the Q&A section by Chris Wylie, Global Head, Orthopedic & Dental Devices, BSI.
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반드시 출처를 남겨주세요.
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