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ISO/IEC 42001:2023 Requirements
On-demand Training Course

ISO/IEC 42001:2023 Artificial Intelligence Awareness
On-demand Training Course



안녕하세요? BSI Korea 교육팀입니다.

ISO/IEC 42001 AI 인공지능경영시스템 과정을 온라인으로 학습 가능한 온디맨드 이러닝 과정으로 개설되었습니다. 본 과정은 영어 과정으로, 영어화면과 자막이 제공됩니다.  상시로 수강가능하오니 많은 참여를 부탁드립니다.



ISO/IEC 42001:2023 Artificial Intelligence Awareness On-demand Training Course [영어 과정]


Essential information about the course

Artificial intelligence (AI) is critically important to both you and your interested parties. BSI has developed a short session that makes you aware of what AI is, why it is important, and how your organization manages the threat. It also considers how you are a vital piece of the jigsaw and what you can do to help your organization. 

This course will help you understand what AI is, why it’s important, and how you can contribute.

Our course agenda

Learning is self-study and you can progress at your own pace. You will have access to the course for 12 months.

On successful completion of your course, you’ll receive an internationally recognized BSI certificate

Course duration

30 minutes

Make sure the course is right for you

Who is this course for?

All staff especially those who are within scope of an ISO/IEC 42001 management system

This course will help you:

•Understand what is meant by AI

•Appreciate why AI is important to your organization

•Recognize some of the threats associated with AI

•Identify how you can support your organization’s AI efforts

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:


•Understand why AI is important

•Describe what we mean by AI

•Identify the benefits of good AI in your organization

•Understand the impact of poor AI

•Identify what you can do to support AI in your organization

•Describe what an Artificial Intelligence Management System is


There are no formal prerequisites for this course.

ISO/IEC 42001:2023 Requirements On-demand Training Course [영어 과정] 


Essential information about the course

In today’s fast paced environment, artificial intelligence is playing a greater role in both our personal and professional lives.  AI can help position your place in the market, but there is a need to ensure this is done responsibly. Having an internationally recognized Artificial Intelligence Management System (AIMS) allows you to enhance organizational performance and gain a competitive edge when using AI.

Identify the structure and requirements of an effective AIMS and what this means for you. Gain a thorough understanding of the history and development of ISO 42001:2023, key terms, definitions and the ISO harmonized structure. You’ll learn to interpret and apply the key concepts and principles of the standard to existing processes within your organization.

Obtain a detailed understanding of the key terms, definitions and requirements of ISO 42001:2023 and how the standard can help your organization to better utilize artificial intelligence (AI) systems they deploy to provide or use AI products or services

Our course agenda

Module 1 Key concepts and processes

Module 2 Key concepts, principles and structure

Module 3 Clause 4 and 5

Module 4 Clause 6

Module 5 Clause 7

Module 6 Clause 8

Module 7 Clause 9

Module 8 Clause 10

On successful completion of your course, you’ll receive an internationally recognized BSI certificate

Course duration

3.5 – 4 hours

Make sure the course is right for you

Who is this course for?

  • Anyone involved in the implementation auditing, maintaining or supervising of an ISO 42001 AIMS
  • This course will help you:

    •Identify the key requirements and benefits of ISO 42001:2023

    •Manage your requirements for AI systems and drive continual improvement

    •Take steps to ensure that the AIMS is used as a core set of processes in your organization

    •Attract and retain customers by meeting their current and future needs better

    You will have the knowledge to:

    •Explain the history and development of ISO 42001

    •Describe what an AIMS is

    •Identify the benefits of an AIMS

    •Recognize the terms and definitions used

    •Identify key concepts, principles and structure

    •Identify the main requirements of ISO 42001


There are no formal prerequisites, however it will be useful for delegates to read the standard before attending the course.  An understanding of ISO 22989, Artificial Intelligence Concepts and Terminology would be beneficial.


ISO/IEC 42001:2023 맛보기 강의~!



이외 다양한 온디맨드 이러닝 과정이 준비되어 있습니다. 






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