안녕하세요. BSI Korea 입니다. BSI의 BIM 전문가가 진행하는 ‘Key insights for senior leaders driving BIM as part of a sustainable resilient strategy’ 웹세미나를 소개합니다. 이 시리즈는 영어로 진행되니, 참고하시기 바랍니다.

웹세미나: Key insights for senior leaders driving BIM as part of a sustainable resilient strategy

  • 일시: 2021년 1월 12일
  • 시간: 오후 3시, 오후 7시, 새벽 1시 (13일)
  • 발표자: Origin7 Ltd의 이사 겸 BIM 전문가인 Melanie Dawson & BSI의 Rob Hine
  • 신청방법: 원하는 시간대를 클릭하셔서 신청바랍니다.

How can Leaders with a responsibility for the integration of BIM and information management, articulate its value to customers and the board in order build a sustainable, resilient organization?

For those with a passion for digital innovation to increase productivity on site whilst reducing risks and unnecessary waste, our Director’s discussion looks at the key considerations with hints and tips for conversations with clients and board level executives.

Join BSI and our expert speaker, Melanie Dawson, as she shares her insights as a Director and BIM expert, responsible for the adoption and integration of BIM into major construction projects. This informal discussion with Melanie will explore:

  • Client buy in and understanding – the Leaders role
  • Informing the board – how can Leaders help those at board-level adopt a BIM strategy – or understand its potential?
  • Best practice examples of BIM Measurement: How can ROI be measured and what does the board and the client really need to know?
  • Ensuring consistency on projects, how can Leaders ensure BIM is a repeatable process
  • Scaling up BIM beyond specific projects or government conditions of contract 

웹세미나 발표자

Melanie Dawson ─ Director and BIM expert ─ Origin7 Ltd
Melanie brings a wealth of practical hands on BIM & Digital Construction knowledge from an extensive and varied construction career over the past 15+ years. She has held a variety of challenging leadership roles over her career to date including strategic management, Head of BIM, Director of many high profile public and private sector projects across the UK, focusing in on driving organizations to deliver by ensuring the right people, processes and technology are in place. Melanie led the first team in the UK to become dual BSI BIM Kitemark holders and was made a Fellow of the ICE in 2018. She has established a number of BIM training Academies which lead clients, colleagues and supply chain through the use of BIM and digital tools including ensuring the return on those investments. Melanie is the driving force behind many exciting R&D projects in the realms of MMC (Modern Methods of Construction), Data Analytics, VR/AR, and adoption of laser scanning technology. She is currently managing one of NI’s largest and most exciting BIM enabled projects in the heart of the capital, the Translink Belfast Transport Hub, and is enjoying working on the client side after many years in the design or contractor teams. She enjoys variety, challenge and the ever advancing BIM & Digital Construction landscape, but most of all making a difference and continually raising the standards as a dynamic leader and bringing others on that journey too.

Rob Hine ─ Head of Trade and Commercial Partnerships

Rob has been with BSI for 25 years. In his varied career he has chaired summit conferences between the European Commission and the Chinese Government, presented globally on product approval processes and represented the UK on technical committees in the development of key European and British Standards. Rob has recently been involved in the development of product approval processes for construction products in the Middle East, and enables construction companies and those who procure their products and services to realize the true value of certification and the BSI Kitemark.

In his current role he enables organizations to advance the adoption of BIM to become sustainable and resilient. He works collaboratively to help to educate specifiers and procurement professionals on the value of third-party certification such as the BSI Kitemark™.

2020년 BSI 지난 웹 세미나 보러 가기

웹세미나: BIM 빌딩정보모델링 국제표준 ISO 19650 소개


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